Monday, October 8, 2012

Justin's 25!

Busy Fun week I had!  Wednesday was Justin's 25th birthday, I tried to make it special for him.  I wrote Happy Birthday in as many places I could think of: Text message, Ipad Notepad, an actual birthday note, on our whiteboard, and on his facebook!  I am sure he was sick of finding them...oh well I love birthdays even when their not my own its fun celebrating!  I bought him the movie 'Fever Pitch', its with Jimmy Fallon who is obsessed with the Boston Red Sox until he meets the love of his life Drew Barrymore.  He has to learn to balance his love for the Red Sox and his new girl.  It's pretty good movie and of course Jimmy Fallon is really funny.  I bought him this movie because I always get him something Red Sox for his Birthday or Christmas, he loves that shit.

He wanted to Birthday WOD and thankfully it was a BOMB one!  Hero WOD 'DT', I loved this one.  A description of it below:

5 Rounds for Time:
12 Deadlift
9 Hang Clean
6 Push Jerk
RX: 155/105
SCALED: 115/85
In honor of USAF SSgt Timothy P. Davis, 28, who was killed on Feburary, 20 2009 supporting operations in OEF when his vehicle was struck by an IED. Timothy is survived by his wife Megan and one-year old son T.J.

Great Workout! I am pretty sure I did this at 75lbs. I probably could have done 85 but those Hang Cleans were the killer, the Deadlifts and Push Jerk were easy for me but hang cleaning not so much. I liked this one alot thou and glad that we did it on Justin's Birthday. One complaint, was that our gym really needs to make sure we are adequately warming up prior to performing heavy/technical lifts like this workout. We had done PVC thrusters for October's month of thrusters...however lifting a light object like a PVC does not warm one up very well. I would rather use a bar or do a WallBall instead. Anywho, good workout completed it in 13:48 I want to say...I will have to double check my log book.

After that a few of us went out to Chili's to celebrate.  It was Me, Justin, Jordan, Jess, Andy, Trish, and Sam.  Great Crew, lots of laughs and good eats!  I had the lighter choices salmon and two sides of broccoli with salsa, nom nom!  Of course HAD to have a celebratory drink, long island hehe and Justin got a free brownie dessert which he ate probably like 2 bites of and the rest of us dug right in!

I had been coming down with a cold and after dinner it just got worse, I crashed hard Wednesday night and slept in until 10am Thursday.  I slept for 12 hours and then I just did laundry around the house, walked the dogs, and pretty much vedged...I was not feeling 100%.  Thursday night was a great mobility class working on Squat Depth, its crazy I almost have a full class every time 7 of 8 slots were filled!  This week I am working on coming up with something for shoulder mobility which I hope will be a good one.  I have been receiving very good feedback on my class which I truly appreciate.

Friday, I intern-coached with Donna for the 8:30, 10, 11, and 12 o'clock classes.  It was a very rewarding day coaching.  The group people were working on 1RM of Push Jerks and almost everyone PR'd, it was fantastic! Also, seeing new people who had just graduated essentials go up at least 15# in the lift was incredible!  Plus, the basics and essentials class people were great.  Everyone is so willing to learn and just feed off what you say its really amazing.  I love coaching :)   I hung out with Trish that afternoon and we just chillax'd watched a marathon of Diners, Drive-ins, and Dives and talked of all the food places we need to go to in Hawaii ha!  We are going to make an Abby/Trish bucket list..I am STOKED!  That night we went out to Giovanni Pastrami's downtown Waikiki with Sam and Justin's co-workers Fred and Rudy, along with Rudy's wife Amanda.  It was a fun time again lots of laughs and good food of course!

Next to come...Movie Review, Barbell for Boobs, and Riley's Bday party!

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