Monday, October 8, 2012

Mustache Rides for Boobs!

On my sickness recovery day Thursday, I watched 'The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel'.  Starring Judi Dench, Tom Wilkinson, and Bill Nighy who are all older actors but they are classics!  The story line of the movie is about these elderly people trying to find a place to retire too and they stumble upon this hotel that claims to be more luxurious than it actually is in India.  The hotel is kind of a shandy but its the magic that it offers which is the most inspiring part.  It leads each character to realizations about their lives and inspires new found happiness and love!  I liked the movie, it was nice to see a change of pace in aged characters.  Not all movies should be based around the young crowd, I mean come on we look up to our elders!  Its a heart-warming story.  I would recommend it.  Plus, Dev Patal stars in the movie, the actor from Slumdog Millionaire.  I love that guy, he's cute and funny.

On Saturday, we had a fundraiser WOD for Breast Cancer Awareness month.  Its called Barbell for Boobs.  

It was a partner WOD and Trish was my partner, our team name was Mustache Rides (ha!).  The workout was 'Helen meets Grace', soooo AWESOME!  It combined the two benchmark girls so: 3 rounds of 400m partners run together, 21 KB Swings at a Pood (16kg), 12 Pullups.  After the 3 rounds were complete you then went on to Grace which is 30 Clean and Jerks at 135/85#.  I was rather nervous for the pullups, I did them kipping but was scared to link them cause of the friction on my hands :(.  I will get back to doing them, just got to get over that initial fear of it again.  I did everything Rx which rocked!  We completed in 18:44, boom sauce!  **Side note: I do want to try Grace on its own, I love the Clean and Jerk.  The actual Grace is done at 95lbs which I am pretty sure I can do.  I am not sure how my time will be on it but I'd probably do sets of 2 until I made it to 30...I am planning on trying this out this week.

After that we went up to Trish's daughter Riley's birthday party in Kailua.  It was a blasty blast at her Grandma's house which had a pool.  This house was amazing!  It is what you think of, when you think of a nice house in Hawaii.  I wish I would have taken pictures of it, such nice taste in design she has.  Plus, she is really into Halloween so there were decorations everywhere and little scare tactics placed strategically to get people!  We swam, ate pizza and salad, chilled, had cake and ice cream and some amazing cookies!  The lady who brought the cookies, owns Cookies by Design, O.M.G. are they good!  She also brought this Smore Cookie which Dani and were pleased to try!  She said to place it in the microwave for 7 seconds and it would be perfect...which it was AMAZING...I can't think of another cookie that tops it.  I named this cookie, '7 seconds in Heaven Smore Cookie'.  I will seriously name her cookies my top favorites: 1. 7 seconds in Heave Smore Cookie.  2.  The Pumpkin cookie.  Haha!  Dani would agree with me. 

 A few pics from the day:

Great Crew these people are!  So lucky and blessed we are to have met them.

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