Sunday, September 23, 2012

Death by Pullups

What a great past 4 days I've had!!!  Besides my UBER ripped up hands which I will explain later...

Thursday was SUPER fun!  Slept for about 12 hours, woke up feeling fabulous.  Then Trish and I drove over to KoKoHead in Hawaii Kai and did the Hike!  There are about 1,100 steps I read somewhere up this mountain...  They call it "Nature's stairmaster" which is so true.  Our legs were BURNING and we were especially tired still from doing the Filthy 50 on Tuesday but we made it up there like champs!  Even beat Trish's previous time of 27 mins by 5 mins...we completed it in 22 mins, I'd say not too shabby.  But there are some crazy people that actually run up and down KoKoHead like its a cake walk...yeah...not for me!  I was drenched in my own sweat after just the once up it!  

After that I coached Mobility and did the WOD...which was 20 min AMRAP of 6 strict Shoulder Press @ 70% 1RM and row 500ms.  I did 5 rounds + 6 Presses and 263m beating Staci by 1m ha!  But she also did 70lbs where as I did 65lbs.  Strict Shoulder Press always kicks my ass...or any shoulders for that matter, I wish they were stronger.  That will come with time! Tough WOD thou after doing kokohead, my hipflexors were burnt out oofta.  

We watched 'Cabin in the Woods' Thursday night and this is one movie I DO NOT recommend, it was STUPID!  I still don't fully understand what they were trying to accomplish by that movie and the whole concept is ridiculous.  Basically, its not scary, the acting is horrible, and storyline doesn't mount up to anything.  There are a few funny parts that is about it.

Friday morning, I got up and cooked Justin breakfast.  I wanted to try these Caramel Apple Pancakes I saw on PaleOMG.  They were kind of a fail...I don't know if they were a fail on my part or that's just how the recipe is supposed to be.  But the pancake batter was SO dense, I tried adding water to make it a bit more runny like pancake batter but that did not help it just soaked up the water like a sponge...  I didn't think they tasted bad but they weren't great.  Justin said it best, "You can definitely tell these are paleo..." lol.  The best part of it was the cinnamon apples and the caramel sauce you make with it.  I could eat that stuff all day nom nom, so may be incorporating that into a different recipe would be good!  I still have some batter left over so I'm going to try using it maybe like a sandwich type deal.

The sausage looks like a penis. 

Now, the recipe that REALLY turned out GOOD was the Banana Chocolate Muffins from FastPaleo.  These were delicious, I did add Non-Paleo chocolate ha.  I had Hershey bars left over from smores and just chopped them up into pieces and threw that in the batter.  You can't go wrong with some chocolate every now and again!  Plus, it wasn't that much.  I brought these to crossfit and everyone said they were yummy...even Justin liked and like I said he's my toughest critic ugh.

OH and how could I forget, I made my own Paleo Hummus!  This was exquisite!  I was recommended to try hummus from some co-workers, which I have never had before and I was looking at the ingredients and of course regular hummus is made from chickpeas.  So therefore, I decided to google Paleo Hummus and found this amazingness recipe.  Paleo Friendly Hummus  The only thing I had to substitute was that I had maybe a 1/4 cup Mac Nuts so I filled the rest of the 1/2 cup with cashews.  I will try to get some more Mac Nuts to do the actual recipe but doing the half and half of the two, it is still really good.  I put it on my celery sticks I need to eat up and I've never eaten so many celery sticks due to this stuff! 

SOOOO ABOUT DEATH BY PULLUPS...Friday night's WOD was 9 hang snatches paired with 15 pullups...4 rounds for time...  Two movements that should never be paired together because they are two of the top movements that cause Hand Rips...  I wanted to do all my pullups Kipping because I am trying to practice that and link them.  I used lots of chalk an still ripped horribly bad.  My problem I think is the jumping onto the bar, which I need to use a step up instead for and then I grip too hard during the motion.  I need to learn the hand release to lessen my grip.  And for snatches using the hook-grip the bar was rotating hard core in the middle of my hand.  I was on the last round of 15 pullups and I seriously did not think I was going to make it, I was almost literally in tears trying to finish it out.  Lucien had get me a step ladder and purple pads for my hands but I did it.  The time cap was 20 mins and I completed it in 20:38, hand rips, tears, and all.  FML  

Not for the faint of heart.
Needless to say, Justin is investing in some gloves for us because my hands do not want to HARDEN THE F**K UP grr :-/

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