Sunday, September 9, 2012

NON-Paleo DAY!

This is how our Friday night ended......with Justin pausing for thought during mid-conversation with me and BOOM out cold ha!  We had fun night though just ranting and raving about stuff, got to love drunk conversations.  I even taught Justin how to do a PISTOL!  If your not sure what they are, check the link below.  Anywho, I was bitching how my butt was so sore from doing pistols and Justin states that his wasn't sore one bit...So I told him he was doing it wrong if his butt was not sore cause that is pretty much where you should feel it.  After that he was determined to try then, I gave him a few pointers:

  • CrossFit Pistols
  • Grab the toe when you are going down and use the other hand to balance.
  • Look straight ahead and not down at the ground.
  • Activate your front toe and apply the pressure there, this will stimulate the quads to fire.
And BAM what happens he cranks out 2 each leg just like that :)  Bet ya his ass is gonna hurt the next time we do them!!!

The title of this post exactly what Saturday was for us, a Non-Paleo eating day.
Side Note:  Weighed myself this morning and I had lost 2 lbs...I hadn't seen a change in the scale the entire time during Whole30, then the week after I lose 2 lbs.  Very odd to me because I did continue to eat Paleo.

Anyways, we woke up STARVING and wasting away, so we decided to hit up Denny's with our friend Jordan.  I indulged in the Bacon Avocado Burrito with Hash-browns, it was rather delicious I am not going to lie!

After that meal, I am glad we had our Snatch Kettlebell Class from 2-4pm.  JT from Move Fitness came out to our Box and taught us all how to do the KB Snatch, we definitely learned a lot during his class.  The biggest thing we learned was "DO LESS." If you've seen the movie 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' you will know exactly what I mean.  But just for fun, checkout the video clip of it below for a good laugh:

Justin improved 100% learning from JT and I think he has new found love for Kettlebells like me!  Here's a video of what we learned: KB Snatch Progression  

Also, check out JT Netterville's site!  I definitely hope to attend maybe a class of his and anymore workshops he puts on.  Kettlebells are my absolute favorite.  After completing the Level 1 Crossfit Certification, I would like to do the Kettlebell specialization certification as well.

After class, we had a protein shake because we hadn't eaten since our breakfast at Denny's.  We had a great Saturday but the UNFORTUNATE part was that we didn't go grocery shopping ugh!  So, for dinner yet again we finished up food in our fridge...Some more pork, broccoli and carrots, Justin had rice, and I had some of the yummy So Delicious brand Cookie Dough IceCream!  Its semi-Paleo ha its made with coconut milk instead of Dairy!

Alright, this is going to be a LONG post sorry...but I wanted to breakdown my NON-Paleo day for you to show that it actually wasn't a horribly bad day of eating.

If you haven't heard of My Fitness Pal, you are missing out.  It is a must have for calorie and macro counting and just to see what your body is taking in on a daily basis.  It is a free site and the app can be downloaded on your Android/Smartphone and tablet.  Now if you look at my picture above, my biggest downfall was the Denny's meal high in calories, carbs and fat and not a lot of protein but the fat was probably mostly from the avocado which is a good fat.  We also had a workout in there, which wasn't overly strenuous but still burned off some extra calories.  As far as how I felt the rest of the day, kind of bloated from the breakfast meal and a tad burpee.  I definitely feel better body-wise when eating Paleo and doing the Zone blocks.  We HAVE to go grocery shopping Sunday.

I want to express, that I don't want to consider this day of Non-Paleo to be considered "Cheating" because then it makes me feel guilty that I ate that food and I shouldn't!  Eating Paleo or Zone or whatever you do, should be a lifestyle not a diet because then you'll feel like your always restricted and missing out on things others are enjoying.  Instead, you just enjoy them in moderation :)  For a good read on "Cheating" check out Health-Bent's blog about the Scarlet Letter

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