Monday, September 10, 2012

Football SUNDAY! YAY!

Started off today right!  Back to Paleo Zone :)  See ya fall off the horse one day, ya get right back on the next!  We are scraping the bottom of the barrel on food in the house but I was able to put together my 3 meals for work, 2 snacks and 1 meal.  Snacks consisting of 1oz-ish pork, .5 cup of blueberries, and 1 macadamia nut.  Meal consisting of 4oz-ish of chicken breast, 3 cups of frozen mixed veggies, .5 cup of salsa, roughly 2 tablespoons of avocado, and 2 macadamia nuts.

Picture doesn't seem to want to rotate properly but you get the idea!

These meals were prepared right before work and it doesn't take long to prep.  Prepare for success!  I work 12 hours shifts for HP on Ford Island in Pearl Harbor, so I work from Midnight to Noon.  I follow this schedule Sun-Tues and every other Wed.  I probably eat more on these days just because I am awake for such a long period of time and don't get a full 8 hours of sleep in one shot.  My meal times are normally 2am snack, 6am breakfast, 10am snack, and then the rest of the day is usually Lunch right when I get home around 1230-1pm and then I don't normally eat until Dinner which is way late after Crossfit.  However, I think this may change with Paleo Zone due to WODing at 6:30pm.  I will either have a Pre-workout snack or a Post-workout snack depending how hungry I am.  After Lunch, I try to nap from 1:30-2pm to 5-530pm.  Depending on how long we are at the gym, I eat dinner, and then try to get at least 1.5-2 hrs of sleep after that but normally its hard for me to fall asleep.  Still working on figuring out a good sleep schedule with work...

On Sundays, I normally try to stay awake after work so that I can spend time with Justin.  Our friend Sam from Crossfit came over today to watch some football which it was nice to have company!  They had ordered pizza, but I was a good girl and had a Turkey burger with 3 cups of frozen veggies, .5 cup of salsa, and 4 macadamia nuts.  For snack, I had half an apple, Friggo string cheese (SO GOOD!), and 1.5 tsp of bacon bits.  We did have a drink during the Denver vs Pittsburgh game but how can you not its FOOTBALL! Oh how I've missed football.  Really weird that I am watching the "night" game at 2pm Hawaii time ha.  But kind of glad because it allowed us to go grocery shopping!

***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** Costco is not open past 6pm on Sundays!!!!.......We drove all the way out there after the Football game and just as we were walking in prepared to shop, they are like "Sorry we're closing."  Really....really!?  Just our luck.  Since we were already in Kapolei, we decided to hit up Chili's to celebrate Justin getting a reward at work for doing such a good job!  Very proud of him :)  

I had the Lighter Choices selection of Sweet & Spicy chicken and instead of rice I had two sides of broccoli.       Plus, one of Justin's egg rolls he ordered and one tortilla cause he got Chicken Fajitas.  He didn't eat the tortillas, he was like "Gotta watch my grains." Lol what a funny guy.  I must say it is really nice that restaurants are now including those 'Barcodes' that you can scan with your smartphone and it will give you the nutritional value of the options on the menu!  Denny's also has an app where you can find this information as well.  America is growing into a Healthier society by doing so!

The food log for this day is rather big so I don't want to include the whole thing but here are my totals: 

Add probably 200 calories for that egg roll and tortilla and lets just not count the booze ;).  Protein once again was lower and carbs higher but not ashamed! Most of those carbs were fruits and veggies anyways.

Football Sunday was a SUCCESS! (Except for my losses in Fantasy Football ugh...)

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