Friday, September 7, 2012

Day 2 of Zone and 2 Movie Reviews!

To start off, I did actually have a snack last night before bed.  We didn't go to bed until midnight, so I had what was left over of my coconut milk in the fridge and some of this apple pie granola bar I made last Sunday.  It's probably not the most healthiest or Zone friendly snack but need to eat whats left in my fridge.  For the recipe and more Paleo recipes check out Civilized Caveman Cooking!

I'd like to do 2 movie reviews because I am a HUGE movie buff!  Yesterday, I watched Battleship which I was very skeptical about because to sum it up it pretty much looked stupid and a knock off of Transformers.  However, I LOVED IT!  Ended up watching it twice haha, once by myself then last night I had to introduce it to Justin and it had the same effect on him!  First of all, if you don't like movies like Transformers, or aliens, or action then you probably won't like this movie.  Second of all, the acting is not that great and yes its cheesy but it is still EPIC!  Plus, as a bonus its based in Hawaii which I loved.  I would probably give it a 2.5 out of 4 stars.  The best and funniest part, especially if you've been to Hawaii is represented in the link below:

The second movie I watched, a not so popular film and at the Blockbuster here in Ewa Beach there was only one to rent ha.  It was Machine Gun Preacher with Gerard Butler and Michelle Monaghan.  A very inspiring film about a sinful man who finds God and uses his new found inspiration to help build an orphanage in Sudan.  Gerard Butler is such a great actor, his intensity makes this movie.  I would give it a 3 out of 4 stars for the type of movie it is, 'Based on a True Story'.  Definitely, one to check out and really makes one think about how grateful we should be for what we have been given in this life.

Justin woke up late this morning so I helped him by making his protein shake and coffee, what a good WIFEY! ha  But after that I couldn't go back to sleep, I was TOO hungry.  I had the same breakfast and snack as yesterday except 4 whole eggs and everything else the same.  (Yet again, need to use up whats in my fridge...going grocery shopping tomorrow!)  Lunch was the same as well, except 2 cups broccoli, 1 cup carrots with .5 cup of salsa.  I realized yesterday I may have calculated my carbs wrong at lunch I probably had about 5 blocks cause 4 blocks of broccoli is 5 cups and I had 4 cups plus .5 of salsa and .5 of blueberries...Oh well it gets confusing!  It'll get better as I keep doing it.

Next week will be a little more exciting with meals I think.  I plan on making a big thing of chicken salad, chili, kalua pork, and maybe cabbage rolls for quick go to meals when we need em.  I will post the recipes tomorrow after we go grocery shopping.

WOD today was "Annie +"  50-40-30-20-10 of Double Unders and Ab-mat sit-ups then 10 Front Squats at 70% 1RM which was 85 lbs for me.  I did it Rx for a time of 15:40 woo!  Since I ate at 1:30 or so and worked out at 4:30 I brought a Protein Shake as my post-workout/snack meal along with a few dried apples.  This wasn't Zone but it was more for convenience.  My favorite protein by far is Gaspari Myofusion Probiotic, Cinnamon Roll :)

Dinner was 5.22 oz of Pork same as last night that I marinated, 2.5 cups of broccoli, 1 cup of carrots, and 4 tablespoons of avocado.  I am FULL!  Have to let the food settle a bit before we begin having a few drinks hehe.  I found out after the Whole 30 that pop doesn't really agree with me because we had had Whiskey Diets with Diet Coke and I got a bad headache from it.  My new go-to drink is Whiskey with Club Soda and Lime...No headache!  

Happy Friday all!  Listen to the song below and have a good night ;)

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