Monday, September 24, 2012

Sweet Tea, Sims, & Revenge

Friday Night after we performed surgery on my hands...aka...petroleum jelly, gauze, and tape, we hung out at home.  Warmed up some Paleo Chili, I had a glass of Barefoot Sweet Red it pairs well with beef.  I am not really a wine person but have been craving it more often, I like the red wines.  I am a nerd and love the wine at church, I do not know why but I'd drink that stuff at home! HA :-P  We then tried Seagrams Sweet Tea Vodka which a lady recommended at Target mixed with lemonade.  Now, this stuff is dangerous because it does not taste like alcohol it literally only tastes like Sweet Tea.  However, it was a nice change from Jack Diet Cokes.

We watched the tv show PRANKED on MTV and discussed how we should prank each other and get it on video!!!  I really want to do this to Justin, but I need to come up with some good pranks.  Ideas are welcome, post some comments of pranks for me to do to Justin!

I told him thou, if he does prank me he needs to video it because whats the fun in only him knowing how he got me.  We might as well share with the world or at least our friends!

I also downloaded SIMs FreePlay on the iPad, can you say Nerd uhh yup!  But I forgot how much fun it is, I used to love the game back when it was on P.C. and this just brings back that pre-teen fun!  You can even play it on your iPhone and sync it with your iPad which I will have to do when I get the new iPhone5 coming soon!

Saturday, I coached Mobility again same routine as Thursday.  I am thinking I want to incorporate a day where we literally just foam roll hardcore and do some static stretching which is good for the body also.  I don't want it to get boring and be the same MobWOD every week. Afterwards, Trish convinced me (She really had to pull my leg hard...not) to work out with her.  Justin came too and we convinced Josh to stay and also endure in the pain!  It was a good day for accomplishments:  Josh did parallete Hand Stand Pushups (BEAST MODE), Justin did strict HSPUs and also figured out how to kip them, and Trish got 2 handstands!!  It was a great day for being upside down I guess lol.  I on the other hand was limited by my hands, you really realize how much you use them after you hurt them ugh.  The WOD of the day was 21-15-9 Cleans with 42-30,18 Pushups, Justin, Trish, and I all scaled our cleans to 20lb MedBall Cleans.  Josh did it at Rx.  We all did fairly well, completing in under 15 mins.  It was a nice workout because it wasn't too brutal but it got the blood flowing and sweat dripping!

In the afternoon was Kelsey's bridal shower, 1950's themed.  I did not have anything to wear so I just wore a sun dress, it worked out fine and I didn't spend any extra money (such a tight ass).  It was a very nice party, we played a few fun games and got to decorate our own mini cakes!  The even better part was that the girl hosting the party has been doing Paleo for 3 years now and everything she made was Paleo!  It was all very delicious:  bacon wrapped scallops, hardboiled eggs filled with avocado, bora bora spicy pork balls, cream cheese filled dates, olives with something not sure what, and apple crumble!  I had just eaten lunch so I didn't have too many snacks, but I ate my entire mini paleo cake that we got to was SO good!  I love cake :)  I will definitely be getting some of those recipes from her!

I started a new show called Revenge, recommended to me by Trish.  At first, I didn't think I liked it but now I AM HOOKED!  It keeps getting better every episode.  The entire first season is on Netflix, so go go go little birdies and watch it! Second season starts up soon, my DVR will be set to record :P

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