Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Vampire Diaries Season 3 on Netflix!!!

On Sunday morning when I came into work it was slow...so I was searching through Netflix for something to watch and low and behold the most recent season of Vampire Diaries had been uploaded!!!  SO EXCITED!  I've been watching it non-stop at work, have about 11 episodes down and 10 to go...I just may finish it this week at work.  Then the new season starts up Oct. 11th, going to have to set the DVR to record that one!  This is the one thing I love about my job when it is slow and there is nothing to do, I can catch up on my TV shows as long as their on Netflix.  I can also browse a bunch of youtube videos and do all the crossfit research I want! Lucky me to be getting paid to watch TV basically, I can't really complain except for the hours suck Midnight to Noon, but on the upside I get a 3-4 day weekend every week :)

I NEED to find someone with Sons of Anarchy Season 4 ugh, but no one seems to want to borrow it to me ha.

I have quite a few TV shows I've started and NEED to finish.  Including SOA above, Breaking Bad Season 4, Grey's Anatomy (I am on season 6), House (the final Season 8), and my new friend Trish has recommended Revenge.  I looked it up, and noticed it has the girl from Everwood if anyone ever watched that show.  I believe her name is Emily Van Camp, I really liked her so I may just have to start that show too as well.  But along with my long list of TV series to watch, I have started many books ugh!  I should read the 2nd Hunger Games book and I also started the Steve Jobs book which I REALLY need to finish.  Along, with everyone telling me to read the 50 Shades of Grey series.  I need to set some goals on getting these accomplished I think!  But besides my love for TV shows, Movies, and Books of all kinds...I love cooking as you know.  This week there are a few recipes I believe I am going to make:

1.  Paleo Mayo! I want to try making Paleo Ketchup and my own Almond butter however, I am not one to put anything to waste so I want to finish my bottle of Organic Ketchup and JIF natural Peanut Butter before I buy the ingredients to make those.  The recipe I will be using, was recommended my a friend from CrossFit who states its amazing!  It can be found here:  Homemade Paleo Mayo

2.  Crockpot Breakfast!  I am trying to get Justin to like eggs, he has a thing about their texture and I think this recipe could possibly cure that as long as they eggs are cooked through and do not give off that rubbery texture eggs normally have.  Its worth a shot, if he doesn't like it well I guess I'll just be eating it hehe!  OMG Crockpot Breakfast Pie

3.  The Crockpot Chili from last week.  We loved it so much and I have enough ingredients to make it again so HELL why not! It's very delicious.

4.  Caramel Apple Pancakes!  I must be on a breakfast kick but these looked fabulous and more like dessert to me then anything.  Plus, I have dates that needed to get used up before they go bad.  I hope to try to make this for Justin Friday morning.  OMG Pancakes

I will let you know how the recipes turn out and post some reviews and maybe tips on cooking each.  Stay tuned.

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