Friday, September 14, 2012

Movie Reviews! The Five Year Engagement and Battle: L.A.

Wednesday night after our delicious pork dinner we watched 'The Five Year Engagement'!  Hilarious movie!  I belly laughed at least 10 times during this movie, I want to buy it for sure.  It doesn't have any huge named actors/actresses, however Jason Segel from 'Forgetting Sarah Marshall' and 'The Muppets' along with Emily Blunt from 'The Adjustment Bureau' are in it.  They do a fabulous job as a couple who keeps putting off their wedding year after year.  It goes through the hardships the couple faces with Emily getting offered a job in Michigan, many miles from their current home San Francisco where Jason has to give up his great job as a chef in a clam restaurant.  From the warm weather to the frigid cold, from a high end restaurant chef to a sandwich shop maker, and the to be "Mrs." striving for her dream career.  I highly recommend it, I loved it.  Has very true to life humor.

The 2nd movie I watched was Battle: Los Angeles.  I have been in the mood for Alien/Action movies and this fit the genre.  After watching Battleship last week, this movie didn't quite meet my expectations.  It was about an alien attack on L.A. where a troop of marines are deployed to pick up the remaining civilians in L.A.  The troop is under a newbie commander Lieutenant who has never seen war, paired with a Staff Sergeant who has served his 20 years and is ready to get out.  They both learn a few lessons from each other during their mission and all the men become a tightly-knit group of brothers in arms.. The story doesn't really focus on the Aliens as much but more so the Marines and their 'bonding' as one group.  The action in the movie is pretty steady and keeps the interest but the cheesy camaraderie kind of takes away from what the Aliens are after and why they have come to earth.  I would give this a 2 out of 5 stars, not comparable to Battleship which I liked a lot more.

More movie reviews to come!  I rented 'How to Train your Dragon', 'The Lucky One', and '127 hours'.

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