Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Improvements, Realizations, and Goals.

I have noticed A LOT of improvements lately in CrossFit, my body, and my outlook on things.

CrossFit Improvements:
1.    I finally understand how to Kip properly during Pullups and Toes to Bar.  Knees to Elbows not so much for some reason.  I have a perfect kip forward but it was the coming back I wasn't getting.  I now realize I have to basically 'pull the bar' down to my bell button when I reach the back position or else I will be exerting too much energy and lose my efficiency when I actually kip up.  Also, CORE CORE CORE.  You must keep your abs tight, body in hollow position, and feet close together does help.  When doing the motion, I try to imagine myself as a gymnast sounds lame but it really helps to get in that mindset when doing gymnastic movements!

2.    Secondly, Carl Paoli from  is a genius.  He stresses the importance of a tight core in all your movements once again and how important it is to keep a neutral neck and spine. Basically, this is stating avoid the 'Chicken Necking' syndrome...I myself am guilty of this also.  You 'chicken neck' when you want to get your chin over the bar in that pullup, or you think it will help you pull more weight up when deadlifting...both of these are false.  Keeping your neck inline with your body helps to maintain...homeostasis (for lack of a better word) but it really does.  I've been testing this theory and it does work.  It makes Pullups harder but you use less energy and it activates the proper muscles during the movement.  The skill can also be transferred to pushups, burpees, backsquats, deadlifts and many more.  Working on my deadlift...I used to look up when lifting, however this was inefficient, a buddy Rob showed me that if I keep my neck neutral and inline with my spine the lift would be more efficient and it was!  I was able to complete more reps with less fatigue and better form.  Give this a shot!

3.    I have made Kipping Handstand Pushups my BITCH!  I did about 7 yesterday, not in a row but doing 1 then getting off the wall and resetting and doing another.  Soon I should be able to link a few!

CrossFit Goals to come:
1.    Improve on Strict Pullups and Dips.
2.    More linked Kipping Pullups
3.    A Muscle-Up...need to get the above first to be able to get this guy.
4.    Strict Handstand Pushup and an Rx one either kipping or strict.  This would be 2 25# plates on each side of the ab-mat.  Which I probably can do, I'll give it a shot on Thursday :)
5.     Make improvements on my 1RMs.

Body Improvements:
1.     I've noticed that after completing the Whole30, I've actually seen more progress.  During the 30 days I didn't really see the results I wanted but you need to keep in mind it was only 30 takes the body a lot longer to actually make true change.  I've been feeling stronger and I can see some Abs coming in!  And not like the 'Holocaust Child' ones I had when I was prepping for my show, but true STRONG Abs.  Plus, my arms are looking more cut and a bit bigger :)  Legs are legs ha I know they are strong but I don't see too much change in them personally.

2.     Also, eating wise I can tell what my body likes and doesn't like...well sort of.  I notice that after I eat something that I don't normally have, for example: Thai Food Saturday, Alcohol and Pop, and the meal we had at The Shack...I tend to get Acid Reflux or as the internet calls it Gastroesophageal reflux disease.  I get this feeling that food is lodged and I can't swallow it down pretty much the whole next day after having something 'not normal' to my body.  It pretty much SUCKS!  I then have to take at least 4 tums to get the feeling to subside some.  So in some respects its almost not worth eating the food if I am gonna have that feeling blah...

3.    A few things I've been incorporating back in to my diet in small quantities are Peanut Butter, Ketchup, and Protein Shakes.  I have to use up these things in my shelves before I make my own Paleo Almond Butter and Ketchup...but Protein powder well that is one thing I probably will not give up.  Also, I have been adding some dairy such as string cheese because I have one of those GIANT bags of it from Costco so I must eat it ha.  And some milk occasionally if I have a bit if NON-PALEO cereal :P.

Lastly, my realizations are that I AM HAPPY!  I love my life.  I have an Amazing Husband.  The Best Family.  The Best Friends.  An annoying yet loveable Dog, Sky.  A new found passion for CrossFit, Paleo, and cooking.  I have a good paying job.  I am making new friends here in Hawaii.  I live where it is perpetually Summer.  And who would've ever thought I'd like to Blog.  I hate the saying but YOLO, you truly only live once and why not live life to the fullest!

Carl is HOT!

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