Monday, September 17, 2012

Weekend Warrior

I forgot to state in my last post that another funny/romantic comedy movie I love is, 'Friends with Benefits'.  

Justin Timberlake and Mila Kunis are great in this film.  They are both really funny and all of the banter between them is just perfect.  I've seen this movie multiple times but it still makes me belly laugh every time I watch it.  

Saturday morning,  I was scheduled to coach Mobility at 9:30 but noone signed up.  So Justin, Rob, and I just went through my class together and stretched out our lower back, hips/hipflexors, and ankles.  I am thinking I will probably repeat this class on Thursday for those that couldn't make it to Saturday.  You can always use hip flexor stretches because those muscles tend to get very tight in all of the movements we do in CrossFit.  Plus, almost EVERY movement we do in CrossFit involves the thrust of your Hips.  After mobility, my new found girl-friend Trish was all alone for the 10:30 WOD and we couldn't just let her go by herself that is NO FUN!  I am not going to lie however, I really wanted to do the workout anyways and helping a friend out was an added bonus :).  I found my 1RM in bench press which was 105lbs I think I can do more than that, I was watching a video on youtube that said you should drive the weight up with your heels pressed firmly into the ground.  Basically, you should be ripping the floor apart with your feet engaging your core muscles, keeping your butt tight, and driving the weight up with your chest.  I want to give this a try next time and see if I can move more weight.  

The WOD was 7 Full Squat Snatches @ 60% of 1RM, 40 Double Unders, and 13 Box Jumps.  My Full Squat Snatch is only 75lbs...the movement is very technical the weight will increase as I get better at the technique.  Which I will be practicing...been watching Coach Burgener A LOT!  And we are going to purchase some PVCs to work with at home.  So for the WOD I did my snatches at 55lbs, I aimed for perfect technique on each rep.  I did 5 rounds plus 7 snatches and 20 Double Unders.  During the workout, Staci gave me a few tips to remember to not Pull to early because then I am muscling up the weight but to PULL right when I hit that 'pocket' aka a little bit above your knees and POP the hips...boom fall under the bar quickly.  I need to work on this more, once I started to do it that way it was much easier and more fluid.
I am including this video below because it is a great Instructional Slow motion version of the Snatch.

The rest of the day we stayed at the gym and helped out with Gym Maintenance day, it was fun we got to drink a bit and play with power tools....that can' t be safe lol.  It also gives Justin and I time to be together and we work well on projects, were a great team!  Just takes communication and we really have gotten much better at that.  Afterwards, we went out to Thai Village with Jed and Kelsey.  I had never had Thai food before, they couldn't believe this...but I am almost certain I never have.  Its kinda like Chinese food thou!  I had the Stir-Fried Broccoli and mixed seafood it was very good, I also had a few bites of Justin's rice.  I have been sticking to Paleo like I said 80/20, when we go out to eat I try to pick paleo options and if anything I just have a few bites of Justin's food like french fries and what not.  For example, yesterday for the Sunday Night Football game we went to The Shack in Kailua with Justin's co-worker and his wife.  I ordered the Jalapeno Chicken sandwich without the bun and a side salad instead of fries.  The sandwich came with Pepper Jack cheese which is fine because I have been including more cheese in my Paleo and the Salad came with croutons.  Also, I asked for a better option dressing but its a sports bar so of course they don't really have any healthy options!  They didn't even have salsa, which I thought was super odd!  Therefore, I got some least I tried to get a better option.  So this whole meal was, I would say "mostly" Paleo and keyword is mostly.  I did allow myself to have a few bites of Justin's fries cause I am a sucker for potatoes!  But see its really not that hard to pick healthy options at restaurants you just have to ask, yeah they may look at you a little funny but who cares...your the one paying for it right!? ;)

I was DOG tired yesterday, didn't get much sleep before work and at work.  Then to just stay awake after work was quite difficult.  I have noticed that I need at least 4.5 hours of sleep before work.  I am going to try to stick to that!  Well that's my weekend in a nutshell.  

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