Monday, September 17, 2012

Friday Sickness. 2 movie reviews!

Soooo it's been a few days!  I got pretty busy it seemed, I definitely missed blogging.  It's weird...I will think of things and be like oh I should blog about that or write about that, but I am really not sure if anyone will read it or think what I think about is interesting ha.  Oh well, if anything I'll just write to myself!  Kind of like little notes or things to remember.

ANYWHO!  Friday morning,  I felt fine when I woke up but after breakfast I was just miserable.  My stomach and head were at war with one another :(  It was really not a good feeling, I felt like butt most the day. I drank about 3 liters of water and took a two hour nap in the afternoon.  After that, I felt amazing...I think because Hawaii is so warm and I constantly seem to work up a sweat here that I get dehydrated really easily.  So I will have to keep up on my water intake as much as I can.  

I did however watch two movies!  'How to Train your Dragon' and '127 Hours' both once again that I will recommend you see!  'How to Train your Dragon' was awesome, I seriously love pixar movies and when you look back at the very first one aka 'Toy Story' you can truly see the improvements they've made since then.  So remarkable.  But the movie itself was super cute and had a great message, basically to never give up on what you believe in even when everyone else seems to be doubting you.  Kids need to see and hear that message, I myself am a BIG dreamer always talking and thinking about things that I want to do or see that probably may never happen but why not dream!?  I don't see anything wrong with it.  Great example, I told Justin the other day after watching the Men's Crossfit Games Pendleton: "I will be the Fittest Woman on Earth someday."  And he looks at me and goes "I know you will."  I then told my mom this too, and she chuckled and goes, "I believe you."  I also told her, that WHEN I do become the 'Fittest Woman on Earth' that she would need to fly out to Cali to watch her daughter compete in the games and she said, "Without a doubt, I will be there."  See now, the two most important people in my life know that I may dream BIG but If I put my mind to something and commit to it that it will get accomplished, that is just who I am and I praise them for their support.  I couldn't do the things I've done without them.  Therefore, 'How to Train your Dragon' will be a must purchase for my kids when they come along!

'127 Hours' was another really good movie.  This was actually a movie that I watched where I was not on the computer facebooking or doing other things while watching it.  It kept my interest the entire time and the way it was directed was fantastic.  It had many camera effects in it that really sucked me in.  It is about a young guy who goes hiking and doesn't tell anyone where he is going.  He has done this hike many times and figured that nothing could go wrong.  Well...of course...he was wrong.  One false step and he is plunged into a crevasse in the canyon with his hand wedge between a rock and the canyon wall.  For 5 days, he recaps the many things in his life that he should have done better or changed or wish he had changed.  He thinks of all the people in his life that have supported him and how important they are.  It makes you think about all the things you have in life and not to take them for granted.  SO watch this movie!  Plus, James Franco is a stud.

Friday, I made the Paleo Chili I posted in my Food Prep blog and by Sunday night it was already gone.  So delicious.  I will be making that again for sure.  We didn't do much Friday night, went to Crossfit and I found my 1RM Box Jump Height of 33".  I want 35" ugh!  I am very close to it, I will get it soon gotta keep practicing my jump.  The WOD of the day was 20min AMRAP of 8 Toes to Bar, 16 Pushups, 12 Wall Balls.  I finally understand how to properly do T2B which made it so much easier.  **TIP**: Everything in Crossfit is about keeping your core tight!  I did 5 rounds + 8T2B + 16 PUs + 5 Wall Balls...HOWEVER, I did the entire thing wrong because I was doing 20 Wall Balls instead of 12 blah!  I don't know what I was thinking.  Still did pretty well for doing more, I also used the 14lb ball and aimed for the men's dark blue line (Practice for real life competition).  I am going to start mixing it up and using the 14lb ball at the dark blue line and then sometimes use the 20lb ball at the women's line just to get stronger in the movement.  

I was going to write about my whole weekend in one blog but this one got a little long so I will finish up my next EXCITING days in another post ha.

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