Saturday, September 15, 2012

Food Prep and an article about 'Zone vs Paleo' in "The Box" magazine.

I wanted to show some of the things I do for Food Prep that makes Zone Paleo rather easy.  I am getting more familiar with the measurements of how much is 1 block of each protein, carbs, and fat.  Below is what I had for breakfast today, a little change from my usual!  I made a zucchini, bell pepper, onion hash with Eggs over easy or Fried eggs whatever you rather call them.  Along, with avocado.

Here is the measurements of the peppers and zucchini.  1 block peppers is 1.25 cups, 1 block of zucchini is 1.33 cups and 1 block of onions is .5 cups.  I just chop em up and as I am chopping I put them in the measuring cups for my own reference.  I only had 3 blocks of carbs at this meal.

Next, is what they looked like separated.  I sauted up the veggies in the skillet with some salt, pepper, and oregano then fried up the eggs (4 whole eggs = 4 blocks of protein).

Lastly, is the final product! All 4 eggs piled on top of the veggie hash and 4 slices of avocado roughly 4 blocks of fat.  It was so yummy.  I needed a bigger fork to pile it all in my mouth ha.

Dried apples are a great Go-To snack!  I tried soaking them in water and lemon juice before, but those just didn't taste as good.  This time I just sliced up the apples and then sprinkled them with cinnamon...WAY BETTER!

Thought this was cute, a perfect heart!

Great way to keep peppers for a really long time, cut them up and freeze them on a cooking sheet for a few hours then put them in a ziploc, BOOM peppers for easy use in any recipe!  You can also do this with onions.

Lunch Time!  Pretty standard lunch, finally finishing up my turkey burgers!  1 cup zucchini, 1 cup carrots, 1 cup grape tomatoes equals 4 blocks of carbs! 

The AMAZING Paleo Chili I made!  Which Justin loved, if he loves it then I know it must be good because he is SUPER picky.  I can't take credit for it but you can find the recipe here:  Paleo Chili

I highly recommend it! 

Thursday night's WOD: 1 RM of Full Squat Snatch: 75lbs for me, improved by 20lbs and perfect form which I was going for.  Then row 5K...barf...I completed it in 22: 54, pretty good for never doing it before!

Lastly, I wanted to say that everyone should read "The Box Magazine" July/August 2012 issue.  It has a great article on Zone Vs. Paleo and really states that incorporating both are the best of both worlds!

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