Sunday, September 30, 2012

Empty Zoo...Lame sauce.

What a FUN week!  It was a short work week this week, which was super nice!

Wednesday - my first day off, I went to the beach with Trish and her 2 monkeys for most of the day! We totally didn't think we were going to get to go cause it was a super cloudy and rainy in the morning but by noon it was beautiful!  The unfortunate part was that we should've faced the sun directly because the whole right side of my body got burnt and not my left, I have a very uneven tan!  But its rather funny non-the-less.  I will even it out Today (Sunday) when we go to the beach again with a bunch of Trish's friends!  Pictures to follow :)

Thursday - Buck, Kelsey's Blue Healer was dropped off at our house Wednesday night and it was a very interesting first night.  About 3 mins after they had left, Buck peed on the kitchen floor and then our fridge! I let him outside and he took 2 poops (yes you wanted to know this), he must have been very nervous but after that he was completely fine with terrorizing sky!

I watched the movie 'Snow White and the Huntsman', Thursday morning.  I believe Trish said it best..."The best part about that movie, is the Huntsman."  The movie itself was very slow moving I thought, however I did love Charlize Theron in it she killed her part as the nasty witch.  Otherwise, the movie wasn't anything to really write home about.  Classic snow white story with a hottie huntsman in it...The End!

I also,went to Bed, Bath, and that store!  My lovely mother had sent us a wedding gift card to there so I figured why not spend it!  I bought some K-cups, ice trays, straws, and 2 nice water bottles for Justin and I.  Add to that a nice picture for our wall!  Mom said I had to get something that I could tell people, "My mom got me that!"  :)  SO, I did!  I love paintings or pictures, basically art in general...along with inspiring words and I think the one I picked out fits us perfectly.

I took the dogs for a walk, what a difference it is walking with a 35lb dog on one arm and a 12lb dog on the other!  Basically, they were walking me for the first half of the walk and once they calmed down I was walking them ha but for the most part Sky did fairly well!  Each dog is different, Buck gets excited over squirrels and Sky gets excited over people so I just have to be careful that a squirrel doesn't run by with me unaware otherwise I will be being dragged behind a 35lb dog!

My Mobility class has been quite popular not going to lie!  Out of the 8 slots I have to fill, there has been at least 3-5 people!  And Lucien doesn't make money unless there is 3 people so BOOM, I am making him some dough.  

Friday -  ZOO day!  I had told Trish that I hadn't been to the zoo yet and would really like to go.  We planned on going after Riley's field trip at her school.  We made our way down to Waikiki and ate lunch at Lulu's right by the Zoo!  I ate fairly well, I had their Lava Burger with out the bun and a salad.  The Burger had Pepperjack cheese and jalapenos on it and with the Salad I had balsamic vinaigrette.  Fairly Paleo besides the cheese which I have decided I want in my way of eating as long as it is in moderation.  What was not Paleo, was eating a few of the Kid's fries...oops!  (Whatever who cares ha, we walked enough at the Zoo to burn it off)  

On to the Zoo we went!  It was a pretty decent Zoo, not the best I have ever been too.  For some reason, most of the animals were missing!  Each enclosure we would visit it would either say "Sorry the [insert animal here] is temporarily gone but will return soon."  OR at some of would just be empty, quite the disappointment!  Least we were able to make jokes at how empty the zoo was.

Horrible pic of me..I look High ha
Zoo knocked em out!
Trish and I went to CrossFit....6 days this week!  We ARE ADDICTS...the first step is admitting...the second step is doing nothing about it!  My hands have been healing up this week and I really didn't want to hurt them anymore, therefore, anything that involved pullups I did pushups instead (YUCK! I hate pushups).  Friday was the '300' WOD, which I did not like!  It was an arm killer.  

I did the 1st 25 pullups with a Purple band and the 2nd with a Green band. Deadlifts at 95lbs along with Floor Wipers. Clean and Press at 8kg.  Completed in 22:30.

Last thing I promise!  We started House Season 8 on Friday night...oh man did I miss Hugh Laurie!  I can't believe its the last season ugh but so excited to see what it has to offer!

He's SO the HOTT DAD type :)

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